Monday, May 18, 2009

Programming Visually, beyond the code.

So today I was about doing my work, and well as a person being on the computer all day, my hands where getting tired and my palms were starting to get sore. (Bad sign, I know).

Anyways I was thinking, with all the IDE that we have for software development are there any out there that has a touch interface and provide a more graphical way of developing.

Many programming languages are Object Oriented Programming languages, and my questions is then why do we still have to do so much coding by hand? Why can't we have an interface for programming objects be more object oriented?

Let's say that if you could represent each object created as a graphical representation of an object, we'll use normal geometric shapes to represent objects. Let's say a class in java is a rectagular block, methods as a cyclinder, instance variables as spheres, different colors can mean public, private and different saturation of that color can mean static, final, etc., nothing too complicated. Now with these representation we can start to map out our code in a 3D or pictorial format. Simple enough right? No, extra code added, language is still the same only there is a graphical representation for it. We have something like this and it's called a flowchart.

So my question is why can't we program the same way? Graphically build, link, design our programs in the same manner? As a program gets bigger then larger encapsulation will represent a section or feature of the whole program. Easily be able to look at the larger picture and dive into it "INTERACTIVELY' and manipulate the code, using maybe a touch interface.

I would love to learn and program this way, easy to always picture in your head and makes sense in an "object" oriented sense. With the touch screen capabilities that are available today, we could easily incorporate these things together. Designing a program would be easily done and understood. We give presentation of technology and code design in diagrams, so why do we have to move away from that? Clearly it's easy to explain and understand through diagrams, so why not just program right into the diagram and let it be ONE thing all together.

That's my thought today, and if this is out there and available, drop a comment or link here and I will be sure to take a look.

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